Monday, October 3, 2011

Schools......Don't Fix Them!!!

Fran is right on with this.
Our school system is broken. Do not even try to repair is only throwing good money after bad. What we need to allow, is a type of voucher or credit system. An example, I can send my child to the school of my choice, I have the money. I receive the typical voucher from the goverment. My neighbor though cannot, a single mother for an example. I pay for her child to atttend the same school as mine. I than receive a credit for sponsoring that childs education. Think, no more excuses for a poor education, no more it is a poor school, not enough books....extc. That inner city child can go to a first rate school from day one and not one community activist will be able to cry out that the child is being denied.
Any child fails, it is on the back of the child, the family, the Parents! Think freedom to succeed......... or fail.

Raising Cain

So is Herman Cain for real? Can he win? Does he believe he can win or is he just positioning himself for the number two spot?
People say; "He has no political experience." Well, is that got us in this mess in the first place? Professional politicans?